Fire and brimstone burn further than the bone.
Words spewed in loving hate degrade the inner home.
Souls lost if not saved.
Why would love turn so quickly to hate.
Why would a benevolent creator of humanity create us knowing that we would turn, some not all, towards an evil that he allowed to exist in the first place? And if the creator knew of this impending change, what does that say about his thinking in going about the creation anyway? Also, I understand that in order to know what is good you must know what is evil, yet, the question of why still remains.
Knowing what the creator was, is, and will think is impossible. Though, when looking at events in recorded history, you find a shifting pattern within our reality. That pattern is one of controlled chaos and directed intentions by humans and nature.
This pattern seems to indicate that yes there was a creator of some sort. However, that creator could not have been benevolent and had only love in it's intent for humanity. It would seem that there is a provable duality within this creator that is both good and evil. A paradoxical entity that, if we are in it's image, is both masculine and feminine, good and evil (no correlation between the order of my previous sets of adjectives).
If this is the case, which I feel like going into later on today, than we are looking at a creator whose existence is closer to the yin and yang concept. I know that most of you reading this just lost interest, but maybe you should read a little more. I believe in a higher power, though I have found that in reality, the ultimate creator of the universe must have been a paradoxical duality entity of an energy based state of being.
Could that still be the same god as the Hebrews, Christians, Muslims, and all other monotheistic religions, yes. However, when humanity is confronted with such a being on our realm of existence we would naturally misunderstand such a being. In reality such a being would be so intelligent and so alien that even the best and brightest would have a hard time understanding, correctly, what that being wanted, what it looked like, what it was capable of.
I am going to leave this post as is and will be completing a much more in depth piece on this subject soon. Anyone interested in assisting me on this endeavor just message me directly and let me know. Thanks for reading, and thanks if you shared with others.
Welcome to my blog, I post just the things that matter in my life. I am currently working on two projects which will be posted to everyday. The first is my auto biography, which most people who know me say is quite intense and unique. I am also going to be posting excerpts from my first novels rough draft up until I finish and publish the entire work.
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