
Friday, March 16, 2018

No Title

No Title
By Ian W.G. Sparkman
Understanding ever so freely that which has eluded so very many is what we do.
Commanding the change of history is you and you, reading these words from me.
Whether your black or white, fat or tight, rich or poor you shall receive the same ending.
Depending on the life you consider right and what is needed by you to correct a wrong is right.
We are ever so demanding and disbanding as we take the wheel on our worlds course.
We are ever so reprimanding and mishandling as we give guidance to the younger.
Torment and hate
Love and Peace
Matter little in this race to beat the rest to the better place.
When you have a fortune to do with as you please and you only feed your plates,
are you righteous?
When you have a fortune to do with as you please and you only house your car keys,
are you righteous?
When you have knowledge to do with as you please and you waste it for the easier,
are you righteous?
When you have nothing to do with as you please and you give it away regardless,
are you righteous?

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