Question time for all of you who believe in the flat Earth.
1. If the Sun is only 32 miles in diameter, where is all of the energy needed to sustain the flora of Earth coming from?
2. If the Sun is only 32 miles in diameter and 3000 miles from the Earth, why is it that there is roughly an EIGHT MINUTE gap when light travels from the Suns surface to ours here on Earth?
3. If the Sun is 32 miles in diameter and 3000 miles from the Earth, and the moon is 32 miles in diameter and 3000 miles from the Earth, why do they not collide and how are the solar and lunar eclipses possible?
4. What is on the other side, if the Earth were flat and we are all on one side?
5. How is it that if you placed two individuals 100 miles apart at the exact same elevation and asked them to observe the exact same central point on the surface of the moon their answers allow you to utilize the Pythagorean Theorem to determine a distance of 238,900 miles?
6. How is it that we have alternating seasons if the Earth is flat and the Sun is rotating above it at a set distance?
7. Why is the Moon travelling away from the Earth at 3 centimeters per year but not the Sun?
8. Why is the Sun a sphere, the Moon a sphere, and all the planets in the solar system spheres, but not us?
9. How is it that no one has gone past the edge of the Earth and explored the other side?
10. How is it that we have sent out countless missions, with live feeds, that clearly show the spherical nature of Earth?
11. Shall I ask more? Yes, I shall.
12. If the Earth is flat, how is our atmosphere not being lost at the edge?
13. Why are there two distinct sets of star systems for the Southern and Northern hemispheres of our planet?
14. Why am I unable to find the actual leaders of the Flat Earth Society website?
15. Why is all of the math given by the flat Earth theory unusable in practical application?
16. Why is it that not one legitimate research scientist has published flat Earth evidence that can be definitively corroborated independently?
17. Why would the Sun, a sphere, not shine it's light across the flat Earth 24/7?
18. Why do we have the weather patterns and ocean currents that we do? (I may not understand the math, but it seems that these two, measurable, facts of Earth do not match a flat Earth.)
19. Why, even with the worlds most powerful telescopes, are we not able to see China from the United States?
20. Why does the supposed, flat Earth Sun, rotate the way that it does?
21. Wouldn't the gravity of Jupiter be greater than that of Sun?
22. What is the real value of gravity, if we are supposing that velocity is holding everything to the surface?
23. If it is velocity, not gravity, holding everything, wouldn't that mean if we simply jumped off of Mount Everest we could add to the initial velocity and continue upwards without a propulsion system?
24. Why does it take so long for our probes to reach Mars?
25. Why do the physics seem to break down entirely when applying a flat Earth model to the known observations accumulated over hundreds of years?
26. Why have our nuclear explosions not sent the flat Earth into an unstable and unrecoverable spin, and everything smaller than us with it?
27. Why are our continents measurably drifting in such a way as to make a pattern that can not exist on flat Earth?
28. Why have we not been sucked into a black hole?
29. Shall we continue? Yeah, I would like to know the truth.
30. Can you give me answers, not arguments, to this set of questions?
31. Why is everyone I have talked to about this so vague in their answers to these initial question that seem to keep coming up?
If you can give me valid, scientific answers, with verifiable references. I will post a video, for all the Earth to see, of me eating my words, each sentence will be one page. Literally, I will print out this entire post and eat the thing. Though, the answers must be validated by three independent experimental laboratories of my choosing. Good Luck, and Light Speed. πor π
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