
Tuesday, March 27, 2018

What is in that Empty Box?

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What is in that Empty Box?

My soul, my soul, call from the empty box.
Burnt I am, Burnt I am, cries out my soul in the box.
Torn and Broken, Torn and Broken, save what you can.

Empty box, why do you hold my burnt, torn, and broken soul?
...Why should I not hold my burnt, torn, and broken soul?

Ask not why you or I hold your soul.
Ask God why you or I.
You shall see why I and not you.

Tears, none from joy.
Fears, none like a boys.

My soul, my soul, call from the empty box.
Burnt I am, Burnt I am, cries out my soul in the box.
Torn and Broken, Torn and Broken, save what you can.

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