
Friday, March 16, 2018

Confusion Can Be So Right

Confusion Can Be So Right
By Ian W.G. Sparkman
A knock at the door, it's me.
I let myself in and we both take a seat.
Looking out the window I decide that something should be said.
"How have you been?" I ask myself sitting across the table.
I look out the window and think about the question.
The blossoms on the Japanese cheery tree float slowly to the ground.
The field and stream are drifting slowly by.
"It has been a long while since I have seen such beauty." I answer
Off guard, I wait for more.
"I have seen the world, I have seen love, I have seen hate, I have tasted loss, I have bled, I have cried, wished I could die, and I feel every mistake like the weight of the world."
I sit back thinking about my answer.
"What are you planning to do from here?"
I look at myself and make a decision.
"I am going to share our life with you now."
That seems like a strange answer considering I am discussing this with myself.
"Well, let us begin again what I thought was here all along."
We both get up and I walk out the door back into reality and into my life started anew.

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