
Friday, March 16, 2018


By Ian W.G. Sparkman
Not knowing what you are to feel when you should feel nothing but normality and don't is quite confusing, is it not? You smile, when inside you have no joy or potential for betterment in sight, you laugh at a joke that actually makes you feel torn. Sometimes you snap, when there is nothing to snap about, you dwell in your perception of your life's history and end up at the same conclusion.
The conclusion that there is no conclusions until you have passed on. Pushing forward for only the moment when if you look further than that ahead you just quit.
You express yourself to others around you in hopes that help will be offered and accepted. You cry without tears fore there are no real ones left to shed. Hopes and dreams flutter on the brink of extinction in the wind that is your life.
As human beings we often feel emotion that literally shall never be experienced by any other person than yourself. We contemplate universal meanings on a regular basis and defend the undefendable. We are each unique in such a way that when comparing even twins there are differences. No other species on our planet shares our ability to change not only our own thoughts at will, but our environment and everything in it at will as well.
We are the only species to pray to our gods, which are many, we are also the only species to philosophise.
We are the only species which masses together against another mass from our own species specifically to kill more of them than us.
We can analyze our lives in such a way that we are altering the natural flow of our world around us.
We are also the only species to hold responsibility for damaging entire ecosystems in one fell swoop.
We are only Human.

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