
Friday, March 30, 2018

Vent Away

Time after time life hits me in the gut, almost like my subconscious needs to climb back out of the same rut.

Day after day, I do what others say is right, alas, that is but a distant dream in the darkest night.

Breath, just try to breath, nothing seems to leave, none of the growing disease at least.

Read this, write that, get paid, not enough for the rush of this life.

Spend little, save a lot, not enough for the rush of this life.

Time after time they say do this and do that, though nothing ends on the terms that all others deem correct.

Take away my legs, take away my arms and what is left, naught except a mind capable of nearly anything.

Follow the path they choose, and ultimately I will lose, follow the path I now tread and finally I get what is truth.

In a world so convoluted, so self absorbed, in a world so detrimental unto the very soil it uses.

Dreams crumble, even teams of elite begin to stumble, tumble, along the rocky path.

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